The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2524446
Posted By: Bobert
25-Dec-08 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Old Testamnet thinking... Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple because He "judged" them to be disrespecting the temple...

It is my "belief" that Jesus wants us to stand up when we see things are wrong and this war was wrong... Jesus, if He were of the flesh during the mad-dash days would have been in those demonstrations and would have been on the internet trying to bring His voice of reason to bear on those who were supportive of this senseless, immoral and unChristain war...

So I stand behind the two quotes, bb... I'm not judging you, or Sawz or Teribus to be bad people... But I am judging your support for this killing spree... And I very much feel that, yeah, if there is a Heaven and it reserves for folks who tried to be righteous that folks who supported this war are going to have a very difficult time with St. Peter if in this life these folks haven't asked for forgivenss for this support...
