The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2524781
Posted By: Barry Finn
26-Dec-08 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
You don't put a bullet in the head of the schoolyard bully, no matter what the reason, unless you can prove he's put a gun to your hear. We pulled the gun, pulled the trigger & killed the bastard, even though he was the bully we are guilty of murder, mass murder! We refused to find other soul-tions, we refused to take trhe time to work out other alteratives, (sorry, the whole inspection/resolution stuff was all a play by the powers that dictated their own will), we didn't bother to even clear the dishes off the table, we stormed in & raised hell. We (those in the rest of the world) begged for some more time for other ways, we begged for more input, we begged formore intellegence on the situation but we were told to "fuck off"! We went in & killed civilians, bombed hospitals & places of religious practices, all this illegal aggression was against the Geneva Conventions,. We are the quilty party, Sadam was guilty of plenty but we are by far worst for the shooting of the schoolyard bully. You can condon all of our actions you want by saying that Sadam was bad & he was but you cannot condon our reaction for him not abiding by our will for the mass murder we commited against the people of his nation. They did not attack US, they did not threaten US, they did not pose a threat to US, they did nopt posses WMD's, they were not capable of hurting US but we didn't even bother to find out we rain hell on those that were only trying to survive & we killed them instead & did nothing but become the schoolyard bully ourselves. We destroyed a nation & gave back nothing in comparison to what we took away, we caused the collapse of a culture & allowed it to be raped & ransacked (also against the Geneva Conventions), provided not respute nor aid to those we mained & uprooted, we put them out in the desert sand. We didn't even think of the casualities of war or battle , we didn't have the forethought or foresight to care for the missplaced or injured or to those that would knowingly perish with out the basic life necessessities like water, food, medicine, shelter, we went in like Qurantrel went into Lawrance, Kansas (he had his excuses too, except he was on the losing side) guns blazing, open fire on innocent civilians, we hit Bagdad like it was a piece of shit, saturation bombing like the Nazi's over England, "Shock & Awe". What was disquisting was many Americans were rooting for the death & destruction we rained down over a people that did nothing against US at all!!! We didn't save them, we brought them misrey, suffering & death & in the process we lost our souls & to say that those of US who tried to stop this & were against this is likening US to the one who stands in front of a gun only to stop an innocent from being killed & then blaming US for the deaths that you let this same killer loose on the public to shoot others. WE did not pull the trigger, we did not let loose a serial killer, we did not give him the gun, we were not in any danger. It's to late to say "I thought we were in danger", it's to late to say we killed in ignorance, it's to late to say this was a mistake. We did not do enough to before we took action, we failed ourselves & the world & most of all the Iraqi people. There is no excuse for what we did & we dragged others into it, our great shame, we will not live this down for a great long time & we will pay with more than our souls.
