The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2525273
Posted By: Bobert
26-Dec-08 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
(This will be my final post to bb on this thread...)

You won't answer the socks question becasue you are smart enough to know a check-mate coming when you see one...

You are in the exact situation as Saddam found himself in late 2002 and early 2003...

At least he was man enough to send over a thousand pages of answers...

You??? Just what I expected... Zip, Nada, Zero... Just more huff 'n puff... No proof... No answers... Just proclamations...

Jesus tells us it's okay to stand up to evil... He taught us in the case of the prostite to turn away sinners who would stone a woman to death... He turned over the tables of the money changers in the tmeple...

Judge ye' not, is not the words of Jesus... They are Old Testament where stuff like the Iraq War could easily be justified... It is unChristain... You are unChristain... Is that a judegement??? Well, yeah, it is... A million people cannot be slaughtered and Christains not speak up and do what they can to debunk the rationalizations of those who perpertrated these acts...

I do not speak from pride... I speak from humanity, bruce... Your mythology has absolutely consumed the better side of your soul and you are lost... So very lost... You need to take some time and allow God to speak to you... He is trying to break thru all that interference that you broadcast... This isn't a war here... You owe it to yourself because carrying this much blood is not good on any level...

Yeah, I know that you have done what you can to try to hold your position because of pride... The Bible talks about pride...I would hate to be you right now... I think that if I had to live with the mythology that you have surrounded yourself with that it would be intolerable...

Hey, it's okay, bruce, to just take a day off from reacting here on this thread... It won't go away... It isn't like a tennis match... I am so very sorry to have to go to these lenghts to give you every opportunity to rethink your position... I feel like this has become a chess match and I am saddened to know that I have you in check-mate and so I just try to play it out as if I didn't know that...

I am sorry, my friend, but you have taken a very wrong turn along the way and you are so very lost... Maybe yer goal is to just die before the historians come forth with the "final judegement" on this war and it's human costs...

So here is my advice... Leave this thread alone... You have nothin' to gain here... Take a couple days off... Think about God...
