The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116607   Message #2526269
Posted By: maire-aine
28-Dec-08 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Cluttering De-Cember
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering De-Cember
I was putting away clean laundry and had to re-org the sock drawer. Then I turned my attention to the underwear drawer-- may never need to buy anything ever again. Counted 28 pair, plus 2 6-packs that I haven't opened yet. It used to be my New Years Day ritual to go to the mall (only football on TV) and buy new undies. Won't need to do that for a few years.

Brought up a few bags of old papers from the basement and went thru them. Many of my mother's vacation pictures (of folks I don't know) and menus/receipts/maps & stuff. Some things (maps & guidebooks) will go to the library for their used book sale, and the rest goes to the recycling bag.

Good to hear that you're getting reconnected, Maggie. And Michelle, you are a super-star. Congrats.
