The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943   Message #2526285
Posted By: Rog Peek
28-Dec-08 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Hello All

Hope you had a great Christmas and here's wishing you all Good Health and Happiness in the New Year.

Just thought I'd give an update on the search:

I still have no information at all on:
1. For Phil and Others - by Blanks (If This Had Been An Actual Emergency, Falsified Records OX752, 1990)
2. Remember Phil Ochs – by Voice of Reason (Voice of Reason, Tomorrow Records TLP-21088, 1987)

Have no recording of Tribute To Phil Ochs by Jack Honig (Mirror Image, Independent Cassette, 1991)
Have been unable to contact artist.

Have been unable to locate recording of (Song for) Brother Phil –by Abbie Hoffman, have some of lyrics transcribed from interview he gave on 'Chords of Fame' biopic.

There are no recordings of the following:
1.I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night by Mike Miller
2.I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night by Johnathan Talbot
3.Hang Down Your Head Phil Ochs by Tom Paxton

I believe there is a song out there written by Rob Pfeffer called 'John Train', but had no luck yet. Not been confirmed, so not included in the list.

Of the 45 songs confirmed I have lyrics for 42 and recordings of 38.
