I should like to thank everybody for all their worthwhile contributions.
I believe that they were all worthy, and while I can't stress enough our need to look at these deep questions in great depth, I am just relieved that every conceivable angle has been well and truly measured, given a name, washed behind the ears, scalped on the backside (metaphorically, of course - That was just a little joke!!!!), and lovingly put to bed. And it was all done in that true spirit of solidarity and sister/brotherhood that we only find among our true friends here at the Mudcat.I want to thank you, thank you all.
Thank you.
I am truly humbled.
I am actually.
I think it goes back to when I was a child.
Life was tough in those days. Hogarthian working class images haunt me in my sleep.But anyway, I digress.
Story of my life actually.
Mother always said I would turn out to be a digresser.
Proved her right, didn't I?
Well, anyway,
Thank you once more.
Thank you.