The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117294   Message #2527475
Posted By: heatherblether
30-Dec-08 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Israel has been ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people from their homeland since 1948.
The Israeli military has spent that time burning villages, demolishing homes , erasing farmland and orchards and massacring the Palestinian people.
It has illegally occupied the West Bank and allowed a bunch of rabid right wing fundamentalist thugs to terrorise the Palestinians.
Gaza itself was little more than sand dunes until the Palestinians were expelled from their homes. Gaza was occupied in the 1967 war and has been,as one of the previous commentator shas pointed out,turned into one giant prison for its million plus inhabitants with Israel controlling its land,sea and air borders [except for its southern crossing point which is controlled by Egypt ].
Yesterday, a small cabin cruiser loaded with medical supplies was attacked , damaged and turned away by Israeli warships way out at sea because it had the effrontery to sail for Gaza with its much needed medical supplies.
In Gaza dozens of women and children have been killed in the past few dayss by Israeli bombs .....hospitals lack anasthetics and other basic necessities and over 1000 have been injured as well as 300 plus killed in the air attacks.
All this on top of the strangling of the city during the past few years.