The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96933   Message #2528324
Posted By: wysiwyg
31-Dec-08 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cooking Spenser & Sophie Style
Subject: RE: BS: Cooking Spenser & Sophie Style
Mmm, good plan! :~)

Lessee, I think it was an anniversary supper that caused the leftovers sitting in the fridge a few very-busy days later-- spinach potatoes. These are usually box "mashed" taters with friz spinach and sour cream, folded together. The current batch was nuked boilers, fresh spinach cooked down, some leftover smoked-Gouda fondue, and a a little cream cheese. Not sure what else Hardi put in there, but it maished into a lovely, green-flecked bouquet of flavors.

Concurrently there is a crockpot of hambone stock with pork-baking juice, into which soaked lentils went--also a few days ago. The stock did not reduce as much as I thought it would in the crock, so a little later I will spoon some off to add to the spinach-taters. Object: soup. If I can't get to the store for more smoky gouda before snow precludes driving, I'll just add some shredded cheddar, too.

There are leftover chilled shrimps from a dinner party we attended last night, to dip into the hot soup. Some more of the stock will be used to pressure-cook the carrots and onions that should have gone into the lentil-soup pot but didn't, in time. We'll just cook 'em up and put 'em in, and then put up some of the soup in quart jars-- this time of year I like to have some "sick soup" on hand for flu victims (us some years).

And whatever doesn't fit in the jars on hand will combine with the spinach-potatoes soup pot as it gets room for additions. There are croutons left over from the fondue brunch, too. Yesterday, Hardi picked out a new snowblower. By the time it is delivered for me to run (while Hardi plows), we'll be all set with people-warmers.

I love this ecology of our household. The longer we do things this way, the more effortlessly flows.
