The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22889   Message #252838
Posted By: SINSULL
06-Jul-00 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Men's Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Men's Mudcat
Seamus, Where do you find these women who look the same as men when coated with oil and are incapable of farting, burping, spitting, etc.? Granted, we generally do not approach such activities with quite the enthusiasm you and Spaw throw into it, but "incapable"?

But if playing in your treehouse means that I have to listen to the Yardbirds, tolerate foul odors and noises on a regular basis, and cozy up to a ewe, I'll keep to the female side of the cafe. I was looking forward to Spaw's "show and tell" hour with Seamus though.