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Thread #116727   Message #2528635
Posted By: Jim Dixon
31-Dec-08 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
Subject: Index: Franklin Square Song Collection, No. 2
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Franklin Square Song Collection, No. 2
"Two Hundred Favorite Songs and Hymns for Schools and Homes, Nursery and Fireside."
by John Piersol McCaskey (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1884)

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - E. Perronet
All is Still, in Sweetest Rest - F. Kitchen
Angels Ever Bright and Fair - G. F. Handel
Ark of Freedom, Glory's Dwelling - Jos. Haydn
As I Strayed from My Cot - J. W. Turner
At Dawn Aurora Gaily Breaks - T. W. Hyatt
Auf Wiedersehn - F. Mendelssohn
Austrian Hymn: Air - Joseph Haydn
Away to School - German Air
Baden Polka (Air), The - J. Strauss
Battle Hymn of the Republic - Julia Ward Howe
Bay of Dublin - Lady Dufferin
Beautiful Spring-Time - Guiseppe Verdi
Beautiful Venice - J. P. Knight
Better Wish, The - Henry Russell
Beulah Land - J. R. Sweney
Birds Are in the Woodland - Kindergarten
Blue Alsatian Mountains - Stephen Adams
Blue-Eyed Mary - Anonymous
Bounding Billows - Mary Derby
Brave Old Oak, The - E. J. Loder
Breathings of Spring - C. M. Von Weber
Bright Rosy Morning - School Song
Brightly - Michael Haydn
Broken Ring, The - J. Eichendorff
Brother So Fine - J. Drechsler
But the Lord is Mindful - Mendelssohn
By Killarney's Lakes and Fells - M. W. Balfe
By the Dark Waves of the Rolling Sea - C. Norton
By the Sad Sea Waves - J. Benedict
Carrier Dove, The - D. Johnson
Chapel, The - Ludwig Uhland
Cheer, Boys, Cheer - Charles Mackay
Child of Earth with Golden Hair - C. E. Horn
Child, Is Life Bright Alone? - W. H. Emra
Clear the Way - School Song
Columbia, God Preserve Thee Free - J. Haydn
Come Again - Anonymous
Come and See Me, Mary Ann - Childhood Song
Come with Thy Lute to the Fountain - German
Come, Cheerful Companions - French Air
Come, O Come With Me - Italian Air
Come, Sing Me that Sweet Air Again - T. Moore
Come, Thou Almighty King - Charles Wesley
Could Ye Come Back to Me? - D. M. Craik
Crown Him with Many Crowns - M. Bridges
Danube River, The - Hamilton Aide
Day of Wonder, Day of Gladness - B. H. Hall
Days of Absence - J. J. Rousseau
Do They Think of Me at Home? - C. IV. Glover
Do You Recall that Night in June - Hamilton Aide
Douglas, Tender and True - D. M. Craik
Echo, The - Anonymous
Eileen Achora - J. P. Knight
Evangeline - Will S. Hays
Ever of Thee - Foley Hall
Fairy Ring - Kindergarten
Far in a Shaded Valley - F. Gluck
Farewell is a Lonely Sound - J. C. Engelbrecht
Float Away - German Air
Floe as a Bird - Mary S. B. Dana
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton - Robert Burns
Fly Away to My Native Land - D. Johnson
Fly Away, Pretty Moth - Thos. H. Bayly
From Days of Old - Felix Mendelssohn
From Greenland's Icy Mountains - R. Heber
From the Distant Aar - L. C. Scydler
Gather Roses While they Bloom - Anonymous
Gently Lead Us (Rathbun) - Ithamar Conkey
Girl I Left Behind Me, The - "Brighton Camp"
Glory Gilds the Sacred Page, A - Wm. Cowper
God of Our Fathers (Downs) - Lowell Mason
Golden Shore, The - Alfred S. Catty
Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes - Dekker
Good-Bye - J. C. Engelbrecht
Good-Night - Volkslied
Guadalquiver - Charles Jefferys
Hail to the Brightness - Thomas Hastings
Hail to the Chief - Walter Scott
Happy Days Gone By - D. Godfrey
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing - Charles Wesley
Hark! the Vesper Hymn is Stealing - T. Moore
Hasten, Sinner, to be Wise - Thomas Scott
He Giveth His Beloved Sleep - Franz Abt
Hearts and Homes - John Blockley
Herdsman's Mountain Home - Franz Abt
Here We Stand, Hand in Hand - School Song
Holy Bible, Book Divine - J. F. Barton
Home's not merely Four Square Walls - C. Swain
How Out Your Row - Anonymous
How Soft the Happy Evening's Close - Volkslied
How Softly Are Glancing - W. A. Mozart
Hunter's Farewell, The - F. Mendelssohn
Hunter's Song, The - Schaffer
Hymn Tunes.—Austrian Hymn, 116; Cassell, 61; Chapel, 57; Coronation, II; Crucifix, 69; Diademeta, 57; Downs, 75; Ein Feste Burg, 142; Heber, 115; Italian Hymn, 115; Langran, 99; Manoah, 109; Nuremburg, 65; Pleyel's Hymn, 109; Rathbun, 61; Russian Hymn, 65; Sicilian Hymn, 71
I Am Far Frae My Hame - M. A. Lee
I Come from Haunts of Coot and Hern - Tennyson
I Dream of All Things Free - Felicia Hemans
I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls - M. W. Balfe
I Have Heard the Mavis Singing - Sidney Nelson
I Love the Merry Sunshine - Stephen Glover
I Love to Tell the Story - Wm. G. Fischer
I Remember, I Remember - Alfred. S. Gatty
If I Had but a Thousand a Year - Henry Russell
If Thou Wert by My Side - Reginald Heber
I'll Do My Duty - Anonymous
I'm Standing by the Window Sill - G. B. Allen
In the Starlight - Stephen Glover
I've Been Roaming - Charles E. Horn
I've Reached the Land - E. Page
Jeannette and Jeannot - Chas W. Glover
Jesus, Lover of My Soul - Charles Wesley
Johnny Sands - John Sinclair
Joy Bells Ring To-day - Scotch Air
Joy Wait on Thy Morrow - "Vive la Compagnie"
Juanita - Caroline Norton
Kathleen Mavourneen - F. W. N. Crouch
Katy Darling - Anonymous
Kelvin Grove - Thomas Lyle
Killarney - M. W. Balfe
Kindred Hearts - Felicia Hemans
Let Others Dream - J. C. Johnson
Let us Laugh and Let us Sing - Anonymous
Life is but a Fleeting Dream - C. J. Dunphy
Life Laid Down, The - James Langran
Light in the Window, The - Virginia Gabriel
Light of Other Days - M. W. Balfe
Little Bennie was Our Darling - G. R. Poulton
Little Bird on the Green Tree - Claribel
Long Weary Day, The - Suabian Volkslied
Lord, with Glowing Heart - Francis S. Key
Love and Mirth - J. Strauss
Love Not - John Blockley
Love's Young Dream - Thomas Moore
Make the Best of It - C. J. Dunphy
Make Your Mark - School Song
Marching Song - German
Mary of Argyle - Sidney Nelson
May Every Year but Bring - J. W. Calcott
May Queen, The - Alfred Tennyson
Mellow Horn, The - Wm. Jones
Merrily Every Bosom Boundeth - Thomas Moore
Merry of Heart, ye Song-Birds - J. L. Molloy
Mighty Fortress is our God, A - Martin Luther
Miller of the Dee, The - Charles Mackay
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory - Julia W. Howe
Music Everywhere - S. W. Foster
My Ain Countrie - M. A. Lee
My Mother's Bible - Geo. P. Morris
My Normandy - Frederic Berat
Nancy Lee - Stephen Adams
Never Say Fail - School Song
Ninety and Nine - Ira D. Sankey
Noble Republic! Happiest of Lands - H. Millard
None Can Tell - G. B. Allen
Now Thank We All Our God - Martin Rinkart
Now the Sun is in the West - Anonymous
O Sacred Head - Bernard of Clairvaux
O Ye Tears - Franz Abt
Of All the Wives as e'er You Know - S. Adams
Oh, Ask not, Hope not Thou - Felicia Hemans
Oh, Could Our Thoughts - Anne Steele
Oh, My Love is Like the Red, Red Rose - Burns
Oh, Take Me Back to Switzerland - C. Norton
Oh, the Days Are Gone - T. Moore
Old Friends and Old Times - J. R. Thomas
Old Grimes - A. G. Greene
Old Rosin the Bow - Anonymous
On the Mountain, Steep and Hoary - Franz Alt
Once Again, O Blessed Time - Arthur Sullivan
Once we had a Fragrant Blossom - G. R. Poulton
One Long Last Kiss - Virginia Gabriel
One Summer Eve - J. W. Cherry
Over the Mountain Wave - R. L. White
Over There - T. C. O'Kane
Pearl that Worldlings Covet, The - E. J. Loder
Praise to God (Nuremburg) - Sebastian Bach
Pull Away, Brave Boys - G. Rossini
Quiet, Lord, My Froward Heart - John Newton
Red, Red Rose, The - Robert Burns
Rejoice! Rejoice - Anonymous
Rise, Crowned with Light - Alexander Pope
Rock of Ages - A. M. Toplady
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep - E. Willard
Roll on, Silver Moon - J. W. Turner
Rosin the Bow - Anonymous
Rosy Crown, The - C. M. Von Weber
Row, Row, Cheerily Row - D. M. Craik
Russian Driver's Song - Folk-Song
Russian Hymn - Alexis Lvoff
Scarlet Sarafan, The - Warlamoff
Scotland's Burning - Round
Sea Bird's Song - Guiseppe Verdi
See the Sun's First Gleam - Schaffer
See Where the Rising Sun - German Air
Shall We Meet Beyond the River? - E. S. Rice
Shells of Ocean - J. W. Cherry
Shepherd Boy: Air - G. D. Wilson
Silence, Silence - Roethen
Silver Chimes - Mrs. C Barnard
Slumber Song, The - F. Kuchen
Smiling May Comes in Play - Anonymous
Soft o'er the Fountain - C. Norton
Soldier's Life, A - M. W. Balfe
Song of Seven - Jean Ingelow
Song of the Brook - Alfred Tennyson
Sorrow and Care May Meet - T. C. Tildesley
Sound Our Voices Long and Sweet - Anonymous
Speak Gently - W. V. Wallace
Spring, Gentle Spring - J. Riviere
Stand! the Ground's Your Own - John Pierpont
Stars are Fading from the Sky, The - Anonymous
Stars Trembling O'er Us - D. M. Craik
Steal Away - Slave Hymn
Styrian Land, The - L. C. Scydler
Summer Days Are Coming - Charles Jefferys
Sweet and Low - J. Barnby
Sweet Song Bird - J. L. Molloy
Switzer's Song of Home - Ignatz Moscheles
That Day the World Shall See - W. E. Hickson
That Sweet Story of Old - Jemima Luke
Then You'll Remember Me - M. W. Balfe
There are Lonely Hearts to Cherish - A. Nettleton
There's No Dew Left on the Daisies - J. Ingelow
They are Chiming Gaily Now - Claribel
This Book is All that's Left Me Now - H. Russell
Those Evening Bells - V. Bellini
Though the Clouds are Lowering - Anonymous
Three Children Sliding - Old Ditty
Thy Name was Once the Magic Spell - C. Norton
Time Doth Pass Away - Anonymous
'Tis Lone on the Waters - John Blockley
To Thy Pastures Fair and Large - J. Merrick
Troika, Russian Driver's Song - Folk-Song
True Love Can Ne'er Forget - Samuel Lover
Twickenham Ferry - Theodore Marzials
Vesper Bell - Anonymous
Vesper Hymn - Thomas Moore
Viva L'America - H. Millard
Wake, For the Night is Flying - Philip Nicolai
Warren's Address - John Pierpont
We Have Lived and Loved Together - C. Jefferys
We Will Take from our Parting - Anonymous
Weary of Earth - James Langran
We'd Better Bide a Wee - Claribel
What is Home without a Mother - A. Hawthorne
What Song Doth the Cricket Sing? - B. Cornwall
What Wakest Thou, Spring? - F Hemans
When Hope Her Cheering Smile - F. Berat
When Other Lips and Other Hearts - Al. W. Balfe
When Stars are in the Quiet Skies - E. L. Bulwer
When the Green Leaves - Anonymous
When You and I Were Young - Geo. B. Allen
Where are the Friends of My Youth? - G. Barker
While the Days are Going By - A. Nettleton
While the Morning Bells are Ringing - Sicilian
Whistle and Hoe - Anonymous
Why do Summer Roses Fade? - George Barker
Why, ah why, my Heart, this Sadness? - Moscheles
With Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee - F. S. Key
Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin? - Claribel
You are Going Far Away - C. Jefferys
You Must Wake and Call Me Early - A. Tennyson