The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22889   Message #252870
Posted By: Peter T.
06-Jul-00 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Men's Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Men's Mudcat
Sinsull, so were we all. I remember my grade 7 gym teacher showing us one of those great syphilis films of the 1960's (the one where the girl comes to town with her own drum kit, and wanders off to the next town at the end of the film, followed by the drum kit), and afterwards he introduced the health teacher who was supposed to tell us about human plumbing, and he fled from the room as she began to talk. He couldn't take the pressure. I understand that CP has already begun boning up for the lecture -- I use the verb in its original sense, of course. All I know is that he says we are supposed to bring a cabbage leaf to class.

yours, Peter T.