The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117438   Message #2529320
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Jan-09 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Why not sue because he won't have your favorite musician perform at the inauguration? Maybe vegans can sue because meat will be served in the White House.

Why not stick to the subject?

The fact that I don't have a belief system that incorporates a god deity is my business. When someone else tries to push their personal deity on me, I push back and ask them to keep it to themselves. In the grocery store last week a particularly stubborn little old lady in line behind me just didn't get it and I had to simply ignore her as she kept preaching her gospel at me and offering "have a blessed day." I do resent it when people offer that little parting shot, because it is a manipulative way they have been taught of layering their ritual over my life. Do they think I don't get it? It's like Mormon's baptizing deceased Jews. They need to keep it to themselves.

What I REALLY resent are those religions that feel the need to co-opt everyone else's belief system. The christian's answer I have heard many times, when discussing the practice of other religions, that "it's all the same god." This is not only wrong, it's rude.

Here in the U.S. so many localities are trying to include school prayer and a "creation science" that, of course, favors the creation stories of the christian religion. It doesn't look at how the Choctaw believe they travelled from the Northwest transporting the bones of their deceased loved ones and guided by a tall pole indicating their direction of travel, or of the Southwestern tribes who climbed out of a hole in a log from under four layers inside the earth. It isn't really meant to teach ALL creation stories, just the one.

The legislation is as sly and lying about what is being taught as any you'll find on the books. Pretend it is science and a few folks might not realize it is really our religion, and we'll indoctrinate those kids young. To teach one religion in public schools to the dismissal of all others says this religion is more important or better, and it isn't, it is simply more widespread.