The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12277   Message #2529327
Posted By: GUEST
01-Jan-09 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: Music: Police and Striking Miners
Subject: RE: Music: Police and Striking Miners
Jim Carroll and others...

Sorry about being classed as guest. It should have put my name, Ian, as usual.

1. I love how you have automatically decided I became a Maggie's miner, whatever the hell that means. I left during the strike, found a new career and never looked back.

2. Nobody asked anybody to be a class warrior. The strike was about whether we wanted coal or not. That made it far more reaching than just jobs for members, but to say that by being a miner, you want a change of government is like saying you talk tosh because you are called Jim.

3. Armchair socialists are the reason I and many others became sad at the state of folk clubs, uncomfortable with mealy mouthed wannabe politicians using folk clubs as a soap box and making assumptions about my work, lifestyle, politics and views.

4. I agree with Peter the Squeezer and his memories of the police state, but not wishing to let the truth get in the way of a good song.... I also have memories of Scargill's thugs knocking on my door, (not aware that I had left) assuming I was back at the pit, telling me what time my wife and child went out shopping, and how accidents can happen.

The strike was a bad time, very bad for many people on all sides. It is only 25 years ago, which is not long at all really. This thread started with somebody saying hey! let's have songs about heros, or words to that effect.

As neither Thatcher or Scargill were heros, as those who were on strike lost everything, as those who worked lived in fear, the only people who seemed to lick their lips and relish this hero worship were the armchair socialists.

During the strike, as a member of the Labour party, I sang songs at a rally, the speakers being Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner. Yes, I too was an idealistic firebrand.

Two months later, I was a sadder, older, wiser person. I left the pit and the labour party. Having 400 people cheering away as you sang makes you see the power of song. I could have sung / said anything that night, and now in reflection, thank God I stopped. If I want to change people's lives, I could become a politician. To use the guitar is not far removed from using the editorial of a tabloid newspaper.

Like I said above, I have two bottles of champagne in the house at any time...