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Thread #117438   Message #2529404
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Jan-09 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Rewrite the Constitution? Leave that up to the exceedingly rich and powerful in high places who can afford clever lawyers who can concoct clever legal chicanery to simply outmaneuver the Constitution and violate it without every saying so or with most people even has been done a great deal over the years by a long succession of American presidents.

For instance, you're not supposed to go to war without a formal declaration of war first being announced and passed in both houses of Congress...but you've been doing it ever since the Korean War which was described as "a police action" and right up to the present against other nations such as Vietnam, Panama, Afghanistan, and Iraq. That's chicanery, and it's unconstitutional.

So is setting up illegal torture facilities offshore and locking people up without any legal charges or any normal legal representation.

So is importing illegal drugs stateside through government operatives (CIA) in order to finance their other covert operations.

Hell, it happens every day. They violate the Constitution and they break the law and nobody does a thing about it. This has been accomplished by the major financial and military-industrial power groups and the military intelligence agencies, not by someone who wants to utter the word "God" in an oath. It's been done for money and power, not for God.

They just enjoy manipulating a large sector of the public by pretending to honor God in some ceremony or statement...meanwhile dividing and conquering the public by keeping the pot continually boiling between atheists and fundamentalists, gays and straights, and any other dichotomies along that line. It's good business. Keep 'em at each other's throats and they will be far too confused and disunited to ever be able to deal with real problems, like the destruction of their democracy and Constitution from the top down.

This thread is just another sorry contribution to maintaining those angry divisions and collectively disempowering yourselves as a nation.