The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117496   Message #2530857
Posted By: Ross Campbell
03-Jan-09 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Origins: St.Michael's Beltane Song
Subject: RE: Origins: St.Michael's Beltane Song
Found it! But can't reach the record-player right now - will bring the album round in the morning if you're about - give me a ring about 10.00?

Harry Boardman's notes (Manchester, 1973) reflect those in Malcolm Douglas's links above:-

"This fascinating version of a "witch" song was collected by a man by the name of Myers and was apparently sung in the Fylde district of lancashire around the early eighteen fifties.
Beltane was a pre-Christian event associated with May day, or the ancient festival heralding the summer. Druids lit bel-fires, between which cattle were driven to protect them from disease, or in preparation for sacrifice. The word Beltane is celtic and literally means the "blaze kindling".
The more mature will remember a pop song of some years ago, presumably based upon an American version of this song.
I am again indebted to Roy Palmer for this song."
