The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2531032
Posted By: akenaton
04-Jan-09 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Come Joe, be fair, since when have the pro homosexual marriage brigade stuck to the issues.....they unfailingly resort to personal abuse when their opinions are questioned. If you don't agree you are branded a bigot or much worse....They don't look at statistics, or listen to alternative arguments, they just reach for the tar brush!

I have been one of you strongest supporters here in the difficult job you do....although we rarely see eye to eye.

I never take up your valuable time by complaining when I become irritated by the childish abuse levelled at me by long term forum members, so they feel free to use words like "vile", "Homophobe", "bigot", etc to describe my views. The only time I was tempted to complain was when one young lady sggested that I probably abused my own children.....this without any comment from moderators or clones!

However, if guest is to be censured for his/her posts....which dont seem personal,unless in response to a snidey insult,....then Don, jeri, and even wee Kat deserve a word of criticism.....Ake