The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2531760
Posted By: GUEST,Arnie
04-Jan-09 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Quebec has a separatist party with a goal to eventually split off from Canada and start their own nation. They don't shoot rockets into Ontario and try to kill people to try and accomplish this - as if somehow this strategy would win sympathy of intelligent people? That's the problem - we're all stupid. It appears that most of the world thinks Hamas should be allowed to send rockets into Israel anytime they want- that's perfectly fine. Somehow this strategy is Kosher for all Jew haters. What's really to worry about a few dead and terrified Jews?
There is a lot more than this than just Hamas and Gaza trouble- it is the goal of the Jihadists dream for a renewal of a complete fundamentalist Islamic Middle East- no room for Jews, weterners or other occupiers- code word for anyone except Arab Islamists. The children are being raised to grow up and become dead martyrs for their cause. This is the reality of what Israel and what Jews are facing. Complete lunacy.