The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106057   Message #2531964
Posted By: jacqui.c
05-Jan-09 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: Where is Micca?????
Subject: RE: Where is Micca?????
OK, now I'll tell.

The Mystery Blonde was my friend Carole, one of the co-founders and present organiser of the latest reincarnation of the Hertford Folk Club. She came back with me from the UK to spend New Year in Maine.

I have known Carole for nearly ten years, but it was only recently that I discovered that, not only is she able to play the guitar, but that she has a lovely singing voice. Now, I know she prefers not to use either talent at the moment as she considers that neither her voice nor her playing are good enough for public consumption but, over here, she had no choice but to sing and play, me being somewhat bossy, and her contributions to the mix were very well received.

She and Micca really hit it off, finding that they had a lot in common, and have exchanged phone numbers and email addresses with the aim of getting together when both are back in the UK. Carole has never been to Sharps and Micca has offered to remedy that before too long. Micca may make an appearance in Hertford too.

Carole went back home yesterday hopefully having enjoyed her stay in Maine, even though she doesn't 'do' cold or snow. I know that the people here would be quite happy to see her again, should she choose to make a return visit.