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Thread #117438   Message #2532284
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Jan-09 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'

There are also people addicted to present day myths and superstitions (both religiously speaking and otherwise). It's really quite a complex situation. One person's political myths, for example, are another person's political gospel.

Many Americans, for example, have long held a Messianic view of the American Way and the role of America in altering other cultures into its own image. Their government has promoted that view for generations and used it to advance a military-economic strategy which mostly involves invading and financially dominating other cultures. The Nazis held a similar Messianic view of their political system, as did the Stalinists and the Maoists. I regard those political myths as having been considerably more dangerous and destructive in the last hundred years than religion has been, though organized religion has also caused a good deal of strife and destruction, unquestionably.

The biggest overall myth that humanity is suffering from right now is the myth that it is necessary to have an ever-expanding economy in order to have a successful society. That is the maddest, stupides, possibly the most self-destructive myth ever perpetrated yet, and it is threatening all life on the planet. Why is it being done? To make money. Period. Just for more money.

Nature does not recognize or respect money, because it's not real. Money is a totally abstract invention. It's just an idea. Nature...the living planet itself...will eventually turn upon and destroy a people who are so stupid as to attack their own environment relentlessly in the pursuit of more money.

Now, I put it to you that that is a far bigger problem than organized religion ever was or ever will be.