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Thread #109271   Message #2533691
Posted By: Jim Dixon
06-Jan-09 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: Moore's Irish Melodies (Stevenson, 1859)
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Moore's Irish Melodies
With Symphonies and Accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson, Mus. Doc., and Sir Henry Bishop.
(London: Addison, Hollier and Lucas, 1859.)

Alone in crowds to wander on - 172
And doth not a meeting like this make amends - 232
As a beam o'er the face of the waters may glow - 20
As slow our ship her foamy track - 193
As vanquished Erin wept beside - 150
At the mid hour of night, when stars are weeping - 115
Avenging and bright fall the swift sword of Erin - 104
Believe me, if all those endearing young charms - 46
By that lake, whose gloomy shore - 97
By the Feal's wave benighted - 190
By the hope within us springing - 66
Come o'er the sea, maiden, with me - 168
Come, rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer - 169
Come, send round the wine, and leave points of belief - 44
Dawning of morn, the day-light's sinking, The - 226
Dear harp of my country, in darkness I found thee - 174
Down in the valley, come, meet me to-night - 217
Dream of those days when first I sung thee, The - 234
Drink of this cup - 218
Drink to her who long - 79
Erin! the tear and the smile in thine eyes - 5
Fairest! put on awhile - 215
Farewell! but, whenever you welcome the hour - 132
Fill the bumper fair - 170
Fly not yet, 'tis just the hour - 14
Forget not the field where they perished - 200
From this hour the pledge is given - 140
Go where glory waits thee - 1
Harp that once through Tara's halls, The - 12
Has sorrow thy young days shaded? - 148
Here we dwell in holiest bowers - 108
How deaf to me the hour when daylight dies - 30
How oft has the Benshee cried - 48
How sweet the answer Echo makes - 214
I saw from the beach when the morning was shining - 192
I saw thy form in youthful prime - 120
I wish I was by that dim lake - 102
I'd mourn the hopes that leave me - 142
If thou'lt be mine, the treasures of air - 199
In the morning of life, when its cares are unknown - 180
In yonder valley there dwelt, alone - 198
It is not the tear at this moment shed - 96
I've a secret to tell thee, but hush! not here - 76
Lay his sword by his side, it hath served him too well - 128
Lesbia has a beaming eye - 94
Let Erin remember the days of old - 54
Like the bright lamp that lay on Kildare's holy shrine - 56
Meeting of the waters, The - 25
Minstrel boy to the war is gone, The - 126
My gentle harp, once more I waken - 176
Nay, tell me not, dear, that the goblet drowns - 106
Ne'er ask the hour—what is it to us - 208
Night closed around the conqueror's way - 73
No, not more welcome the fairy numbers - 152
Of all the fair months that round the sun - 220
Oh Arranmore, loved Arranmore - 184
Oh for the swords of former time - 202
Oh! blame not the bard, if he fly to the bowers - 58
Oh! breathe not his name—let it sleep in the shade - 8
Oh! could we do with this world of ours - 22
Oh! doubt me not—the season - 136
Oh! had we some bright little isle of our own - 130
Oh! haste, and leave this sacred isle - 26
Oh! the days are gone, when beauty bright - 86
Oh! think not my spirits are always as light - 16
Oh! 'tis sweet to think that, where'er we rove - 74
Oh! weep for the hour, when to Eveleen's bower - 38
Oh! where's the slave so lowly - 164
Oh, banquet not in those shining bowers - 222
Oh, the sight entrancing - 121
Oh, ye dead! whom we know by the light you give - 212
One bumper at parting! - 118
Quick! we have but a second - 230
Remember the glories of Brien the brave - 3
Remember thee! yes, while there's life in this heart - 186
Rich and rare were the gems she wore - 18
Sail on, sail on, thou fearless bark - 204
Shall the harp then be silent, when he, who first gave - 224
She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps - 100
She sung of love, while o'er her lyre - 52
Silence is in our festive halls - 40
Silent, Î Moyle, be the roar of thy water - 49
Sing, sweet harp, oh sing to me - 156
Sing—sing—music was given - 28
Strike the gay harp, see the moon is on high - 88
Sublime was the warning which Liberty spoke - 36
Sweet Innisfallen, fare thee well - 216
Take back the virgin page - 32
There are sounds of mirth in the night air ringing - 178
They came from a land beyond the sea - 82
They know not my heart, who believe there can be - 60
They may rail at this life—from the hour I began it - 206
This life is all chequered with pleasures and woes - 112
Though dark are our sorrows, to-day we'll forget them - 90
Though humble the banquet to which I invite thee - 34
Though the last glimpse of Erin with sorrow I see - 24
Through Erin's Isle to sport awhile - 110
Through grief and through danger thy smile hath cheer'd my way - 78
'Tie believed that this harp which I wake now for thee - 84
Time I've lost in wooing, The - 160
'Tis gone, and for ever, the light we saw breaking - 166
'Tis the last rose of summer - 6
To ladies' eyes around, boy - 196
To-morrow, comrade, we - 116
'Twas one of those dreams that by music are brought - 228
Valley lay smiling before me, The - 144
We may roam through this world like a child at a feast - 42
Weep on, weep on! your hour is passed - 92
What life like that of the bard can be - 162
What the bee is to the flowret - 145
When cold in the earth lies the friend thou hast loved - 182
When daylight was yet sleeping under the billow - 64
When first I met thee warm and young - 154
When he who adores thee has left but the name - 10
When in death I shall calm recline - 50
When through life unblest we rove - 80
Whene'er I see those smiling eyes - 194
While gazing on the moon's light - 62
While history's muse the memorial was keeping - 158
Wine-cup is circling in Almhin's hall, The - 134
Wreath the bowl with flowers of soul - 188
Yes, sad one of Zion! if closely resembling - 210
You remember Ellen, our hamlet's pride - 138
Young May moon is beaming, love, The - 124