The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86719   Message #2533731
Posted By: CamiSu
07-Jan-09 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: G rated swear words
Subject: RE: BS: G rated swear words
My neighbor taught me "Son of a biscuit"
Also as insult "You pusillanimous nonentity"
From Anne McCaffery BEFORE the dragon books "Fardling"

My dad used a lot of the ones I saw here.

When I first started teching in the theater around here there was a guy whose most savage swear (that I heard) was "sigh". Then one day the scrim curtain (VERY expensive) caught on a piece of setwork as it was going out, and I found out that he DID know all those other words...

Fards. Back to work
