The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117611   Message #2534434
Posted By: VirginiaTam
07-Jan-09 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Merlin's Song (Graham Pratt)
Subject: Lyr Add: MERLIN'S SONG
(Graham Pratt)

Born to an age of reason
Mystery is my theme
Mine is the song of seasons
Mine is the ancient dream

Some men have called me holy
Others the devil's son
I do no more than has always been done

Magic is all too simple
Mystery all too plain
I have the power of magic
Like clouds have the power of rain

Read me the charm of flowers
Sing me the spell of sleep
Open your eyes and you'll learn where to seek

Sourcerors seeks my secrets
Soldiers may seek my fame
Wise men would seek my friendship
Foolish men seek my name

Princes have seen my glory
Harlots shall see my fall
I see the end and beginning of all

Soldiers all wrapped up in armour
Die by the dagger's thrust
Harlots all wrapped up in envy
Perish for none to trust

Clothed as I am in magic
Magic must be my fate
Silently by my own magic betrayed

Graham Pratt - In the Clear Air of the Day

as described below on Jennifer Cutting's, The New St. George (NSGMaster Set List)

MERLIN [a mysterious, dissonant original about Merlin the Magician from stellar English songwriter Graham Pratt; originally performed as an a cappella vocal trio by Bob, Jennifer, and Elise Kress; later by Bob, Jennifer, and Lisa]