The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23047   Message #253467
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
07-Jul-00 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Taverna 2000
Subject: RE: Mudcat Taverna 2000
You noticed I enjoyed it then?! Lay off old Sham, we Rogers need to stick together!
You'll also notice I tried to help the guitar buffs by mentioning brands, I didn't say that Yorgos also has a Fender Strat at home for club work and has his eye on a Gibson so he clearly has Fielding's Disease. His Eko has two knobs on (tone and volume?) so must have been amplified at some time but I've only heard him play acoustic. To my ear the Yamaha sounded really good and I'm sure could be heard all over the village when played with a plectrum (he also plays bare fingered - I mean fingers not nails, he keeps his nails short)- I'm trying to convey things to guitarists without knowing what I'm talking about! Get on a plane to Kos, get the ferry from Mastahari to Pothia and get a taxi or better yet get the Emborios Express direct to Emborios and go into the Artistico, mention the guitar, even mention me, and judge for yourself![Ask him to sing the nice Greek one about the car crash, Irene and Maria will harmonise the chorus!].
RtS (guess who'll have a 5-star after dinner tonight!)