The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2534678
Posted By: Sawzaw
07-Jan-09 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Kendall: I appologize for questioning your manhood and morality.

Now please reinforce your morality and manhood by giving direct answers to a few questions namely:

Should America have intervened in Rwanda or was staying out of their business the right thing to do?

Should America stay out of Sudan's business or should we but out?

"How many people would still be alive if the USA would just stay out of other countries business?"

And also how "We have started every war that we have ever been a part of and this latest is the most transparent of them all"

How did America start WWI WWII and the Korean war?