The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2534698
Posted By: kendall
07-Jan-09 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
You are still not listening!

When you took to nit picking I was forced to clarify my statements. Forget my original post and listen to this:
America did not start WW 1, WW2 or Korea.
This is what we DID do.
WW1 we shipped munitions to England aboard the Lusitania after stern warnings from Germany that any ships doing so would be sunk. We set ourselves up to get into it with Germany.

WW2. Roosevelt stopped all shipments to Japan. He ordered them out of Indo China, then, the final straw, he froze their assets in this country. That they could not tolerate. They would rather die than lose face. We did not fire the first shot, but we sure as hell asked for it!

Korea. We had troops in South Korea after WW2. Why?
When Dean Acheson stated that there was nothing in that area that we cared about, the North Koreans decided to reunify Korea by force and they invaded on the 25th of June, 1950.
We didn't have to be in harm's way, but, we were, by our own will.

I did not address Rowanda , Darfur or Sudan. All I can say about that is, there is no way that we can be the world's Policeman, nor should we. President Washington warned us about foreign entanglements, and President Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex. Did we listen?

Even if we had the means to stop the killing around the world by imposing our will on everyone, where would we get the right?

Now, Sawzaw, if this is still not enough for you, that's just too bad. I'm out of here.