The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106251   Message #2534714
Posted By: Azizi
07-Jan-09 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Native Behaviors in Mudcat Society
Subject: RE: BS: Native Behaviors in Mudcat Society
I found the thread on BS: Thread Drift .

It turns out to be a humor {humour} thread and not one that seriously talks about the reasons why threads do {and maybe should} go off-topic. Maybe I was thinking of another Mudcat thread that includes that kind of discussion. I'm not sure.

However, I found this comment from that thread to be interesting [in a thought provoking way-though truth be told, my thoughts are provoked one way or the other by just about any comment]

Subject: RE: BS: Thread Drift
From: autolycus - PM
Date: 13 Mar 06 - 05:24 AM

Thread drift happens amongst creative types like us who know that things are connected - we prefer joined up thinking.

A downside of thread drift is that interesting stuff in the drift cannot be found, cos it's not identifiable from the thread title.

Another downside is that a subject can't be properly discussed by the point being kept to.

Perhaps, Peace, in our 'against thread drift' moments , we can bring subjects back to the point. If there turn out to be determined drifters.............well that's yin/yang life.
