The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117535   Message #2534911
Posted By: Sleepy Rosie
08-Jan-09 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!
Subject: RE: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!
Rather repeating myself from another thread here...

As a newby with no depth of knowledge about 'folk music' in general or indeed native Traditional arts in particular. It was as I've said elsewhere, the virtually accidental discovery of unaccompanied traditional English song that became my backwards way in to discovering more about the world of 'folk music' more generally.

I was put off of folk music a long time ago, and while no music buff I've always enjoyed stimulating and interesting music. Whether that be Miles Davis, Messiaen Chemical Brothers, Dr. John, Frank Zappa , N.W.A, Bartok or Morrissey amongst lots of others. I was going to make a list of examples of music I don't enjoy, to sort of highlight from my own perspective the point that some others here are tring to get accross, but I can't be arsed and it might even offend someone.

But Morrissey what a fabulous lyricist "Why do you come here? And why do you hang around?" Thanks for inspiring me do that little list, listening to some of those clips has reminded me why I love music, and thus why I am coming and hanging around here. For my own part, I'm genuinely hoping to learn something from all the miserable, boring old, grey-bearded fuckers who are also hanging around here... ;-)

As for glitter and dancing Lizzie, if we meet - you're on! I can still get sparkled up (just check out that chicks excellent sparkley rainbow dress in Dr. Johns backing line-up! I WANT!), and go twelve hours - with some good company, and I'm in my mid thirties so not exactly a kid anymore.

As said before, if my only exposure to 'folk' was the material that gets mass marketed as 'Celtic', and indeed some of the popular material that you are promoting, I would leave it well alone. As indeed I already have for many years... But I must support Diane Easby and others here who feel protective of their tradtitional arts. Massively succesfull popular artists as you have cited, do not need advocates for their work, they already have millions of fans. I stumbeled on traditional English song, by *accident* after researching Irish Sean Nos. To me that says something important. And it is why I believe, some of the members here fight to maintain the integrity of the arts they are advocates for.

Like I said before, I really wouldn't sweat it on behalf of artists like the Corrs, Enya, Celtic Woman et al, because they sure as hell won't be!

Nothing personal here, just some observations from a newby to folk music and to traditional song. But I feel I would like to respond, as I intitiated this thread in the first place. And it was a good laugh for a while too.