The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115834   Message #2535134
Posted By: romany man
08-Jan-09 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: Broadstairs 2009
Subject: RE: Broadstairs 2009
well here we go, raffles dont get so wound up, everyone has a voice and an opinion, im not a happy bunny by nature and other reasons, but im happy to see that broadstairs is being discussed and all views are welcome here, sadly from what i see and hear broadstairs is fast outgrowing its organisers, its no longer a week of music dance and merriment but a vast milk cow that needs feeding year on year, the way its fed is by seemingly pushing out those that have been coming for years, getting as much as possible comercially (which is ok if ploughed back in the following year) and generally providing as little as possible for those regulars for as much as possible. it still seems to be clinging to the, well you are not part of our apprieciation society so you dont count, attitude. i dont mean that in a derogatary way but in a constructive way. broadstairs is a lovely venue and brings much needed income to the town, sadly however there are those that really dont give a damn for those who are not part of the in crowd, be they folkies, dancers whatever, but more importantly the paying public,
rb is stating facts as many others did after last year, sadly in one particular case the respodee was slated and berated unmercifully, simply for his own opinion,
your email to jo sums up quite a few points and i wish you well with the results, however i will not be holding my breath as to the result. im really glad that points are being brought into the open and discussed a slnging match solves nothing, lets hope for some more people trying to help out and sort the problems.