The Minstrelsy of England A collection of 200 English songs with their melodies, popular from the 16th century to the middle of the 18th century. Edited and arranged with pianoforte accompaniments by Alfred Edward Moffat Supplemented with historical notes by Frank Kidson (London: Bayley & Ferguson, 1901.)
Admiral Benbow - 25 Ah! the Sighs that come fro' my Heart - 178 All in a Garden Green - 126 All in the Downs - 164 Amidst the Myrtles as I Walk - 28 Amyntor's Well-a-day! - 228 Angler's Song, The - 36 Arch Denial, The - 199 As down in the Meadows I chanced to pass - 88 As I walked forth one Summer's Day - 51 As I was a-walking (Cupid's Trick) - 231 As I was a-walking (The Pretty Ploughboy) - 107 As May, in all her Youthful Dress - 113 As me and my Marrow - 172 As once I sat - 120 As Tippling John - 193 Bailiff's Daughter of Islington, The - 222, 315 Barbara Allen's Cruelty - 132 Barley Mow, The - 236 Bath Medley, The - 272 Beauty in Eclipse - 19 Begone, dull Care! - 237 Bid me but Live - 8 Black Sloven - 140 Black-Ey'd Susan - 164, 312 Blossom of the Year, The - 152 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn - 280 Bonny Milkmaid, The - 244 Boys and Girls, come out to Play - 311 Brangill of Poictu - 310 Brave Grenadiers, Rejoice! - 246 Bright was the Morning - 285 British Grenadiers, The - 214 Broom, Green Broom - 234 Bucks a-Hunting go - 200 Cease your Funning - 211 Cheshire man sail'd into Spain, A - 188 Chevy Chase - 138 Chloris, now thou'rt fled away - 228 Club your Firelocks, my Lads - 78 Colin's Complaint - 122 Collier's Rant, The - 172 Come you not from Newcastle? - 48 Come, all you Jolly Ploughboys - 304 Come, all you Jolly Watermen - 239 Come, and listen to my Ditty - 184 Come, Cheer up, my Lads - 252 Come, come, my Jolly Lads - 224 Come, come, my Lovers - 20 Come, each Gallant Lad - 268 Come, here's to Robin Hood - 146 Come, let us Prepare - 66 Come, Live with Me, and be my Love - 216 Come, Love, let's walk in yonder spring - 29 Come, Sweet Lass - 12 Come, ye Young Men - 229 Comely Swain, why sitt'st thou so? - 121 Country Fair, The - 114 Country Garden, The - 314 Country Parson, The - 6 Cross Purposes - 18 Cupid's Garden - 302, 316 Cupid's Trick - 231 Dairymaid, The - 127 Decrepit Winter Limps away - 240 Despairing beside a Clear Stream - 122 Down among the Dead Men - 238 Drink to me only with thine Eyes - 217 Dulce Domum - 144 Dumb Wife Cured, The - 102 Dusky Night rides down the Sky, The - 150 Early one Morning - 295 Every Man take his Glass in his Hand - 296 Fair Hebe - 157 Fair Sally loved a Bonny Seaman - 205 Fairest Isle of Isles Excelling - 158 Flocks are Sporting - 248 Fly on the Brink, A - 272 Free and Accepted Mason, The - 66 From the East breaks the Morn - 242 Gather ye Rosebuds while ye may - 93 Gathering Peascods - 152 Gipsy Song - 106 Go from my Window, go - 24 God prosper long our Noble King - 138 God Save the King! - 3 Golden Slumbers Kiss your Eyes - 58 Golden Vanity, The - 300 Good Morrow, Gossip Joan - 156 Gracy Nugent - 313 Half Hannykin - 311 Happy Beggars, The - 80 Hark! hark! the Joy-inspiring Horn - 98 Harvest Home - 74 He that will not merry, merry be - 104 Heart of Oak - 252 Here the Rosebuds in June - 94 Here's a Health to the Barley Mow - 236 Here's a Health to the Jolly Woodcutter - 174 Here's a Health to the King - 238 Here's a Health unto his Majesty - 52 Here's to the Maiden of Bashful Fifteen - 72 Here's to thee, my Boy - 198 Honest Yorkshireman, The - 219 How gentle was my Damon's Air - 61 How pleasant it is in the Blossom of the Year - 152 How should I your true Love know? - 9 How sweet is the Horn - 200 Hunt is up, The - 90 I am a Country Parson - 6 I am a Lusty, Lively Lad - 284 I am a Young Damsel - 250 I am the Jolly Prince of Drinkers - 212 I am, in truth, a Country Youth - 219 I do confess thou'rt Smooth and Fair - 54 I have Rambled, I own it - 245 I made Love to Kate - 111 I never saw a Face till now - 190 I prithee, send me back my Heart - 179 I sung my Passion to the Wind - 202 I'll tell thee, Dick, where I have been - 116 In a small pleasant Village - 286 In good King Charles' Golden Days - 220 In Pescod Time - 138 In praise of a Dairy - 127 In praise of Ale - 13 In Scarlet town, where I was born - 132 In search of a Wife - 245 In the Fields in Frost and Snows - 309 In the Merry Month of May - 59 In the Pleasant Month of May - 114 In Thorny Woods in Buckinghamshire - 290 It is not that I Love you less - 40 It was a Lover and his Lass - 264 It was a maid of my Countrie - 100 Jack met his Mother all alone - 22 Jockey to the Fair - 206 Jog on, jog on the Footpath Way - 90 Jog on, my Honey - 311 Jovial Beggar, The - 108 Joy to the Person of my Love - 186 Just as the Tide was Flowing - 288 Kiss I Begged, A - 112 Knight and Shepherd's Daughter, The - 161 Lady Frances Neville's Delight - 146 Lass with the Delicate Air, The - 82 Last New Year's Day - 165 Last Valentine's Day - 140 Leather Bottel - 148, 312 Let Poets and Historians - 204 Linco found Damon lying - 6 London 'Prentice, The - 313 Lottery, The - 250 Love is a Bauble - 218 Love me little, love me long - 75 Love will find out the Way - 87 Love's Votary - 8 Mad Robin - 75 Maiden Fair - 313 Maiden's Complaint - 61 Maids are grown so Coy of Late - 117 Man's Life is but Vain - 36 Marquis of Granby's March - 162 May Fair - 58 May Pole, The - 229 Mermaid, The - 56 Merry Cuckoo, Messenger of Spring, The - 84 Merry Gregorians, The - 204 Message, The - 34 Miller of the Dee, The - 44 Murm'ring Brooks, The - 278 My Love bound me with a Kisse - 196 My Mind to me a Kingdom is - 176 My simple Heart is fled Away - 309 Ne Kirree fo'n Sniaghtey - 170 Near Woodstock Town - 181 North Country Lass up to London did pass, A - 180 Northumberland Bagpiper, The - 292 Now is the Month of Maying - 33 Now, away, my Brave Boys - 26 Now, O now I needs must part - 262 O Mistress Mine - 16 O Rare Turpin - 160 O Some they do Talk of Bold Robin Hood - 143 O Willow, Willow! - 14 O, now the certain Cause I know - 49 Oak and the Ash, The - 180 Of all the Comforts I miscarried - 134 Of all the Girls that are so smart - 215 Oh, the Charming Month of May - 230 Oh, we sailed to Virginia - 25 Oh, what a Plague is Love - 210 On a Day—Alack the Day! - 38 On a Friday Morn - 56 On Hounslow Heath - 160 On the Brow of Richmond Hill - 68 Once I had a Sweetheart - 231 Once I loved a Maiden Fair - 185 One Morning in the Month of May (Just as the Tide was Flowing) - 288 One Morning in the Month of May (Spotted Cow) - 124 Over the Mountains - 87 Packington's Pound - 127 Perils of the Isle, The - 177 Phillida Flouts Me - 210 Phillis - 190 Phillis, I can ne'er Forgive it - 233 Ploughboy, The - 304 Poacher's Song, The - 290 Poor Soul sat Sighing, A - 14 Pretty Ploughboy, The - 107 Queen Besses' Dame of Honour - 284 Queen Eleanor was a Sick Woman - 171 Queen Eleanor's Confession - 171 Queen's Jigg, The - 315 Quodling's Delight - 312 Richard of Taunton Dean - 165 Roast Beef of Old England, The - 233 Robin Hood and Little John - 133 Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford - 143 Rosalinda - 202 Rosebuds in June, The - 94 Rule, Britannia - 306 Russell's Triumph - 282 Sally in our Alley - 215, 314 Says Damon to Phillis - 199 Send Home my Long stray'd Eyes to me - 4 Shall I, wasting in Despair - 270 Shepherd sat him under a Thorn, A - 292 Shepherd, saw thou not? - 154 Ship I have got, A - 300 Since first I saw your Face - 260 Since from my dear Astrea's Sight - 168 Since now the World's turn'd Upside Down - 284 Since Phillis swears Inconstancy - 110 Sing a sweet, melodious measure - 144 Sir Eglamore, that Valiant Knight - 232 Sling the Flowing Bowl - 224 Some talk of Alexander - 214 Song of a Wedding, A - 116 Spanish Lady's Love, The - 10, 309 Spotted Cow, The - 124 Spring Song - 136 Spring: a Pastoral - 248 St. George, our Protector - 258 Staines' Morris - 229 Strephon of the Hill - 120 Strike the Viol - 274 Sun from the East, The - 166 Swain in Despair, A - 97 Sweet are the Charms of her I Love - 128 Sweet Nan of the Vale - 286 Sweet Nelly, my Heart's Delight - 226 Sweet Rosy Morning, The - 236 Talk not so much to me of Love - 142 Tell me no more her Eyes - 19 There is Snow on the Mountain - 177 There was a Bonny Blade - 102 There was a Jolly Miller once - 44 There was a Jovial Beggar - 108 There was a Maid went to the Mill - 96 There was a Shepherd's Daughter - 161 There was a Youth - 222 There was an Old Man - 234 There were Three Ravens - 32 There were Three Travellers - 130 Thou calm-ray'd Spring - 135 Though Begging is an Honest Trade - 80 Though your Strangenesse fretts my Heart - 50 Three Ravens, The - 32 Thursday in the Morn - 282 Tippling John - 193 'Tis of a Young Damsel - 106 To a Lady Weeping - 49 To all you Ladies now on Land - 182 To Arms, Jolly Grenadiers - 162 Tobacco's but an Indian Weed - 294 Tom Loves Mary passing well - 18 Tom Tinker's my True Love - 37, 310 Topsails Shiver in the Wind, The - 266 Trust not the Treason of those Smiling Lookes - 30 'Twas down in Cupid's Garden - 302 'Twas on the Morn of sweet May Day - 206 Twelve Hundred Years - 258 Vicar of Bray, The - 220 Virtuous Country Maid - 314 We all to Conqu'ring Beauty Bow - 17 We be Three Poor Mariners - 60 What Booker doth Prognosticate - 254 What shall I do to show how much I love her? - 298 What shall I do? I am undone - 192 When Britain first - 306 When Daisies Pied - 208 When I Survey the World Around - 148 When I was Bound Apprentice - 118 When mighty Roast Beef - 233 When that I was a Little Tiny Boy - 71 When the Chill Sirocco Blows - 13 When the King Enjoys His Own again - 254 Where the Bee Sucks - 41, 310 Wherever I am - 67 While o'erhead the Storm is Howling - 134 Who can Resist my Celia's Charms? - 109 Will Cloris cast her Sun-bright Eye? - 73 Will you hear a Spanish Lady? - 10 Wine and Glory - 272 With Tuneful Pipe and Merry Glee - 76 Woman, Love, and Wine - 278 Woodcutter, The - 174 Ye Birds that Sing Sweetly - 34 Ye Nymphs and Sylvan Gods - 244 Ye Shepherds, give Ear to my Lay - 194 You Gentlemen of England - 276 Young Molly, who Lives at the foot of the Hill - 82 Your Hay it is Mowed - 74 Youth's the Season made for Joys - 92