The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117664   Message #2536097
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
09-Jan-09 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Great Mudcat Facebook Conspiracy!
Subject: BS: The Great Mudcat Facebook Conspiracy!
I play several FB games - but my main one that I am always desperate for 'fresh meat' :-) is Knighthood - it is a resource limited game (The Beta test Mobties is also similar, and I am in that too, but there is no present shortage of invites!) and invites are limited.

As a 'FB friend' you are eligible for me to get you as a squire for two weeks at a time, even if you ignore the invites. But if you install the app and be my vassal - I get a Knight - twice the power - and once you have done that, you can even block the app and get no more notices about it - and you can even return later with your castle just how you left it, if you reinstall the app.

Gold is relatively unimportant in this game above the very lowest levels. The limiting resource is pieces! Hence the 'Great Conspiracy' to recruit as many Mudcatters as possible! I already have Max (and a few others) as a hard working vassal - eat your heart out guys! :-P The victim is currently sweating in the salt mines..... er, I mean, the honoured guest is currently enjoying the delights of the sauna & spa with hot and cold running handmaidens! Beat him? He's currently lost 3 games of chess.... oh, you meant.... Muauauauaua!

On my profile - boxes page - there is a knighthood box - with a swear fealty button

That should get you installed at least - if you don't show 'vassal of Fooles' on the top left - you will show 'sovereign' if you are alone - if you are already vassal of someone else, you will show someone else and that is a hassle for me :-)

If you want to play the game, I will assist you with advice, and other resources, good nuturing strong Alliance - includes some of the KH Game's top players. If I can help you - that helps me!

Note: register your email to get a free 15 power piece! :-)

Come & enjoy the delights of the sauna & spa with hot and cold running handmaidens!

You can still come back to working with your piece any time you want. If you have given up for certain, after you swear fealty to me, then you can even block the application and get no more messages. And then you can reinstall, and still recover your castle as it was later if you want.

The Sauna and Spa with hot and cold running handmaidens are available...

BTW, it's my Birthday at the end of this month - what a cheap present! :-)

(seen in some games as Ruthless Robin - or some variant)