The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101408   Message #2536220
Posted By: open mike
09-Jan-09 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: Catters on Facebook
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
ok i finally joined the facebook thing and the mudcat group there..
appears as if music (streaming audio) is not included in this site, as in myspace. however there is video upload available.

there must be arouned 150 in the mudcat group now.
but since it is open to all, and different nick names may be used
there may be some there who have never even been here...or who are
using different "handles"

we shall see.

i travelled across canada a few years ago on a cowboy music train trip
and many of the folks from there are keeping in contact with each other thru facebook. looking forward to inter-acting with mud friends there.