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Thread #116727   Message #2536665
Posted By: Jim Dixon
09-Jan-09 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
Subject: Index: Reliquary of English Song, 2 (Potter, 1916)
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Reliquary of English Song, Series Two (1700-1800)
Collected and edited by Frank Hunter Potter (New York: G. Schirmer, 1916.)

Ask if yon damask rose be sweet (Georg Frederic Handel) - 28
At Early Dawn (Thomas Attwood) - 132
Bay of Biscay, O!, The (John Davy) - 124
Black-Eyed Susan (Richard Leveridge) - 4
Blow high, blow low (Charles Dibdin) - 118
Blow, blow, thou winter wind (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 66
By dimpled brook (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 56
Celia, let not pride undo you (John Weldon) - 10
Charming Chloe - 92
Constant Fair, The - 90
Coy, blushing Sylvia, The (Mrs. Plowden) - 134
Damon and Florella (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 68
Daphne (William Defesch) - 32
Diffident Lover, The (Samuel Howard) - 88
Down among the dead men - 24
Drink to me only with thine eyes - 106
Early Horn, The (John Ernest Gaillard) - 16
Faithful Lover, The (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 41
God Save the King (Henry Carey) - 77
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes - 12
Heart of Oak (Dr. William Boyce) - 86
Jockey - 104
Lass that loves a sailor, The (Charles Dibdin) - 116
Lass with the Delicate Air, The (Michael Arne) - 82
Love me little, love me long - 2
Lover's Message, The (John Ernest Gaillard) - 14
Maid's Resolution, The (Richard Leveridge) - 6
My Goddess Celia (George Munro) - 26
No flower that blows (Thomas Linley) - 100
Now Phoebus sinketh in the west (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 36
Pastoral, A (Henry Carey) - 80
Peace, the fairest child of heaven (James Oswald) - 96
Peaceful slumbering on the ocean (Stephen Storace) - 128
Peggy (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 58
Phillis, we don't grieve (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 34
Plausible Lover, The (Henry Carey) - 78
Prithee, Celia (John Weldon) - 8
Roslin Castle (James Oswald) - 94
Rule, Britannia! (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 60
Sally (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 44
Sigh no more, ladies (R. J. S. Stevens) - 130
Softly waft, ye southern breezes (James Hook) - 108
Tar's Sheet Anchor, The (William Reeve) - 126
Thorn, The (William Shield) - 112
Tom Bowling (Charles Dibdin) - 114
Under the greenwood tree (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 51
Vicar of Bray, The - 30
Water parted from the sea (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 48
Wedding-Day, The (James Hook) - 110
When daisies pied (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 46
When forced from dear Hebe to go (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 64
Where the bee sucks (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 74
Why so pale and wan, fond lover? (Thomas Augustine Arne) - 62
With Jockey to the Fair - 98