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Thread #116727   Message #2536685
Posted By: Jim Dixon
09-Jan-09 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
Subject: Index: Army Song Book (War Department, 1918)
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Army Song Book
For free distribution to all Officers and Men in the Army
Compiled with the assistance of the National Committee on Army and Navy Camp Music
(Washington: War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities, 1918.)

Abide with Me - 75
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - 88
Aloha Oe - 72
America - 2
America, the Beautiful - 12
Annie Laurie - 31
Army Trumpet Calls - 20
Auld Lang Syne - 30
Back Home to Old America - 74
Battle Cry of Freedom - 5
Battle Hymn of the Republic - 3
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms - 35
Caisson Song - 17
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny - 26
Coast Artillery Song - 18
Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean - 4
Come, Thou Almighty King - 76
Dixie - 25
Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes - 29
Eternal Father, Strong to Save - 84
Flag, The - 37
Garibaldi Hymn, The - 9
Garibaldi Hymn, The (translation) - 90
Giddy Giddap, Go on, Go on - 47
God Save the King (America) - 7
Good Morning, Mr. Zip - 46
Hip! Hip! Hooray! - 51
Holy, Holy, Holy - 77
Home Road, The - 13
How Firm a Foundation - 78
I Need Thee Every Hour - 85
In an Old-Fashioned Town - 56
Indiana - 59
Joan of Arc - 60
Keep the Home Fires Burning - 54
Keep Your Head Down, Fritzie Boy - 50
K-K-K-Katy - 64
La Brabançonne - 8
La Brabançonne (translation) - 90
La Marseillaise - 6
La Marseillaise (translation) - 89
Land of Hope and Glory - 14
Last Long Mile, The - 44
Lead, Kindly Light - 86
Li'l Liza Jane - 63
Little Grey Home in the West - 58
Loch Lomond - 32
Long Boy - 48
Lookout Mountain - 62
Love's Old Sweet Song - 67
Madelon (words only) - 73
March! March! - 10
Men of Harlech - 36
Mother Machree - 65
My Old Kentucky Home - 24
Nearer, My God, to Thee - 79
O God, Our Help in Ages Past - 80
Old Black Joe - 23
Old Oaken Bucket, The - 68
On the Way to France (words only) - 38
Onward, Christian Soldiers - 81
Over There - 39
Pack up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag - 43
Prayer of Thanksgiving - 16
Rise, Crowned with Light - 82
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me - 87
Roll, Jordan, Roll - 27
Scots Wha Hae Wi' Wallace Bled - 33
Silver Threads among the Gold - 66
Son of God Goes Forth to War, The - 83
Stars and Stripes Forever, The - 42
Star-Spangled Banner, The - 1
Sunshine of Your Smile, The - 61
Swanee River - 22
Sweet Adeline - 71
Sweet and Low - 70
Sweet Geneviève - 69
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - 28
There's a Long, Long Trail - 52
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp - 41
Under the Stars and Stripes - 11
When Johnny Comes Marching Home - 40
When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining - 55
Who Would Not Fight for Freedom - 34
Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula - 72