The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117616   Message #2536774
Posted By: Nerd
09-Jan-09 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: Who's in The Chieftains now?
Subject: RE: Who's in The Chieftains now?
For many years now, the Chieftains have tended to take one or two guests on tour with them. They also often hire someone from the local area to fill in, especially since Martin and Derek have been gone.

I have a good friend who was their harpist for several US gigs soon after Derek's passing. Such fill-ins are sent a stack of charts and expected to play Paddy's arrangements note-perfect, as though they were in a chamber orchestra. Generally they have only a week or so to prepare and are only on two or three gigs.

Sometimes it's not possible to drop your entire life to learn all those pieces in a week just for two gigs, no matter how high-profile or how well paid. It's not surprising the guitarist would need a music stand. It's a pity he was heavy-handed, though. Paddy probably didn't ask him back!