The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101408   Message #2536833
Posted By: CamiSu
10-Jan-09 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: Catters on Facebook
Subject: RE: Catters on Facebook
Oh Yes. I had not had any contact since I left in August of 1971. And my Turkish never got to be much, and I never got replies to my attempts to find my host dad. Susan AR has also been a host sister, to a kid I visited in Cyprus as he was hosting the year I was there. In the small world dept.

Anyhow I got involved again about 10 years ago. I get the kids who are having difficulties, and sometimes keep them (I've also hosted a few the whole year--mostly from Thailand for some reason) and right now I have a boy from Turkey and a boy from Portugal, who have been double placed since the beginning and really did not want to be split up.

They really keep your mind off your troubles...I've had 5 for some time or other in the 11 months since my husband died. And these 2 he would have LOVED!

So OM, did you have a son, daughter, or brother or sister?

But American Field Service is TOPS!