The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117717 Message #2538093
Posted By: GUEST,Ian
12-Jan-09 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: Les Barker as the next Poet Laureate?
Subject: RE: Les Barker as the next Poet Laureate?
The poet Laureate has been Andrew Motion, Ted Hughes, John Betjemen (is that spelt correctly?)
All of whom have an air of smoking jackets, receptions at Sandringham and quaffing Chateau Lorionde 87.
That bugger has an air of chasing my ex wife around a stage brandishing a cucumber and leaving dog hairs in our spare bed. (1981.)
Ok, I'll vote for him.
Incidentally, comedy and parody apart, his work does deserve better recognition from the establishment. "Will you walk with me" and "Candlelight and Wine" are stunning pieces of work...