The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117422   Message #2538562
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Jan-09 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: January 2009 De-Clutter off & running
Subject: RE: BS: January 2009 De-Clutter off & running
LOL...Maggie, I am sure Morgan would love to vacuum for you! I like your challenge. I am making calls to the docs, etc. to get end of year paid printouts from them so I can itemise and I will be getting our taxes out early. We need the return asap!

MAG, if you saw the clutter in This Album, it's mine. If it was what you saw in the one with Morgan, it and the lovely house I wish was mine, is mouldy's shed which she has very much decluttered by now, BUT I know what you mean!! It is a relief when we see each other's and realise we are not alone!

I have been a bookaholic, but I am getting better. I am thinking I may sell my Marion Zimmer Bradley collection! Used bookstore owners complain that they never get enough sci-fi/fantasy in trade. I think I have every one of her Darkover Series and also her Sword & Sorceress Anthologies. They are kind of like a trophy-I-read-these-and-love-the-author kind of thing, just as you say Maryanne!:-)