The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22889   Message #253862
Posted By: GUEST,Joerg
07-Jul-00 - 10:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Men's Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Men's Mudcat
According to my whole experience of 'men' (including myself) I think I can tell the following without being too afraid of being wrong:

If you know a 'man' first rely on him being sensitive and then suppose him to have an X (with X = any name you like).

Of course he can't simply admit that he is sensitive. That is hardly ever forgiven to him (it's one of the things forbidden to men, and forbidden things are always interesting). Admitting it in spite of this requires him to also be a 'desperado' or a 'boss' or whatever enables him to not having to care if he's forgiven or not.

It IS possible to admit it: You just have to say it in a way that also means "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT...!!!" But you are not always in the situation or position to say it that way.

It's really pervert: Being a 'man' you can only admit that you are sensitive if you also can in some way THREATEN the one to whom you are telling it. Otherwise you can rely on losing his/her respect.

Especially pervert: Do you want to threaten somebody you like? Mind that he/she also won't forgive you if you don't.

So, MC: Sensitivity? Huh?? What's that???

On with fun...
