The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23047   Message #253863
Posted By: GUEST,Filbert
07-Jul-00 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Taverna 2000
Subject: RE: Mudcat Taverna 2000
I have spent many happy weeks in Ikaria from time to time, and Manolis, the genial owner of The Cavos Bay Hotel in Armenistis is a good friend.

I sometimes used to take my guitar out in his taverna, of an evening, and we would sing songs well into the night. We would drink litre bottles of Amstel beer, and frappées. And that welcoming Metaxa, dispensed into the morning coffee with a sly wink, always put a different slant onto the day.

Do say hello to him, and if you meet Phil and Steph, tell them I said hello too.

On not-too-far-away Samos, as I write, Pythagorion is in danger of been overwhelmed by a fire that has grown way out of control.
I have a lot of friends there, also.