The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117780   Message #2539513
Posted By: The Sandman
14-Jan-09 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: Discount CDs at gigs
Subject: RE: Discount CDs at gigs
Breezy.why have I been invoked
Artists should sell them for whatever they think appropriate.
its a mistake [imo],to suggest that because a performer is getting paid for a gig,he should sell his cds for less.
if a performer wishes to do that ,thats not my concern,that is the performers.
what performers get for a gig is variable,if I was getting a generous fee,I might be more inclined to reduce my cds,but I dont feel I should be duty bound to do so.
most performers in my experience, dont get paid enough anyway,and cds sales help to keep the wolf from the door.
I believe that 10 pounds is a reasonable price to pay for a cd,but with the way sterling is at the moment against the Euro,I need to charge 12 pounds to get the real value,likewise all my prices for English gigs has now been devalued.
But I cant break my agreements and now ask for more,for my gigs because of the sterling fluctuation,so I would be stupid to sell my cd for 5 sterling[3 euros],wouldnt I?
again I can only bring a certain amount of cds over on a plane,so bringing 50 cds is unpractical,I am better off selling 25 cds at 10 sterrling than 50 at 5 sterling.Iwont be increasing the price of mycds because of the devaluation of sterling ,neither should I be expected to reduce them,I have to live.
I live very frugally.
most professional folk singers like myself have become masters at penny pinching.