The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23056   Message #253962
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
08-Jul-00 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
Less than 8 hours ago, I was sitting here, posting. I had to stop due to bladder incapacity (must stop this naughty drinking foreign alcohol stuff with the office gang) I doze off for a few hours (very uncomfortable on the loo - don't do it.... you wake up with two dead legs and a big ring round your tushe) and this thread has expanded to here!

I have never had a hairy chest, that is a cat sitting on me. My friend - let's call her Aunty Wainwright - she'll know who she is - has a book about knitting things from dog hair. She has never had cause to use it in conjunction with me....

And I had trouble living cohesively beforehand - it is even worse now!!


(but I do get to say things about my other 'friends' without them being in range - by the time we get together she's forgotten them because she hasn't twigged on to taking a print out yet, hee heee heeeee!)