The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117780   Message #2540055
Posted By: Acorn4
15-Jan-09 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: Discount CDs at gigs
Subject: RE: Discount CDs at gigs
This is slightly off thread but connected to the topic .

What do you do when someone suggests swapping CDs?

I don't sell my CDs in great quantities, but occasionally get requests to swap by other performers. Sometimes it's a bit embarrassing because, although the CD suggested may be a good one, sometimes it might be not quite my "cup of tea".

My normal reaction is to say OK, but if I suggest swapping myself, it's normally because the person concerned has expressed some kind of interest in my songs, and has perhaps shown an interest in buying a CD and I like what they are doing so suggest the swap. It's not normally a big problem and can often be worth it to maintain folk cameraderie.

I was, however, once caught out when I agreed to a request to swap without any great enthusiasm, to be greeted by:-

"Mine's twenty pounds because it's a double"

Must have seen me coming!

I'm fortunate because I don't have to sell CDs as part of making a living, but I was wondering how people who do deal with this situation tactfully.