The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20003   Message #254034
Posted By: The Shambles
08-Jul-00 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW.
Subject: RE: MUDCAT VOW.
If you read this thread carefully you will see what course of action many people have taken and why. There is no serious obligation on anyone to take oaths or follow suit. Just an inherent request that the wishes of those that have taken this course of action be respected.

If the writer respects the reader and the reader respects the writer, it can and has been demonstrated that it is possible to discuss anything here……. Also that when this course of action is generally followed, the climate will improve.

Whatever petty squabbles, quibbles and differences there may be among contributors to The Mudcat, I would hope that we are mature enough to put those aside and work together. To try and ensure that those that would ONLY seek to divide, do not succeed and do not receive any encouragement on this thread or any other?