The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117717 Message #2541262
Posted By: GUEST,Graham Bradshaw
17-Jan-09 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Les Barker as the next Poet Laureate?
Subject: RE: Les Barker as the next Poet Laureate?
When this was first mooted back in the late Summer, it was met with responses like: "Great idea", but "Not much chance though".
And then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that this is not such a silly idea after all.
Assuming Les wants it, it is entirely possible.
Just think how many people know and love Les's work on the folk scene alone. It must run into several million. And then there is all the exposure he has had on mainstream radio because of the Guide Cats albums. There are a lot of very heavyweight broadcasters who think he is the dogs doodahs.
However you look at it, any other candidates are likely to be virtually unknown to most of us other then a few Radio 3 listeners.
It's about time we had The People's Poet as laureate.
I did hear somewhere that it was to be a public vote this time. Anybody know?
Whatever, if all his fans did vote, he'd walk it.
Just think of all those late night telly programmes with those up-their-own-arses arty types, and Les bringing some much needed levity to the proceedings.