The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2541444
Posted By: Ron Davies
17-Jan-09 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Rap--Thanks for that report from the front.   I did suspect that Wi-Fi was not that widespread.   Heck, I barely know what that is.

And Jerry--any chance your book will be available through Camsco? (I almost wrote Costco).

I certainly am reading more books these days--mainly I suspect since the presidential campaign is over and the fools trying to smear Obama have given up--at least temporarily.   So the time I was--foolishly--devoting to trying to counter the smear merchants-- can be used more productively. (Though Jan would say there are better uses than reading.)

It's amazing how some people were first pushing Hillary, then McCain and Palin--even on Mudcat.   It didn't seem to faze them that anybody who supported Hillary could not possibly support McCain/Palin, as far as issues---and Hillary herself said this.

It does seem as if Obama will doing the proverbial cat-herding to get any kind of unity----and that's just within the Democratic party.

But perhaps people will realize the serious nature of the situation--and compromise will be possible. And drastic change may also be possible--again because of the urgency of the crisis.

Particularly the health system needs to be addressed.

We are right in the thick of the problem these days. For all her ailments--endometriosis, continuing back and neck problems, asthma, and a boatload more, it seems--Jan takes quite a few drugs. Among other things, only pain pills make it possible for her to continue working 10-11 hours/ day. Which she insists on doing--she loves her work. Even though none of her doctors can believe she does all she does.

But as of 2009, all the brand-name mail-order drugs she takes have about doubled in price from 2008.   We all agree that everybody should be steered away from brand-name to generic drugs. We're all in favor of that. But for drugs for which there is no generic equivalent, it is not reasonable to double the price.   And that's about 6 of hers.

And it must be far worse for elderly people on a fixed income.