The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117438   Message #2541779
Posted By: Riginslinger
17-Jan-09 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
It seems to me that this was one of the inane ideas that built a full head of steam with Reagan--it was part of the "supply side" insanity.
             I heard Newt Gingrich say on a talking-head show a few weeks ago "A free market economy had to keep on growing or else it will fall over"(parapharsing). And that's the mantra those people live by. It's why true supply side economists like illegal immigration, you have an every expanding market--which, of course, is why true environmentalists do not like illegal immigration.

             But when you hear one of these folks singing the praise of Ronald Reagan, it seems to me like that's usually the reason.