The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117422   Message #2542238
Posted By: maire-aine
18-Jan-09 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: January 2009 De-Clutter off & running
Subject: RE: BS: January 2009 De-Clutter off & running
It seems like all I talk about is snow. Went out at 9am (don't want to annoy the neighbors too early) and ran the snowblower again. We got about 4 inches overnight, so about 7 inches for the weekend. I'm running out of room to put the stuff. We need a thaw, and soon. We're already at our normal snowfall for the season, and we're only halfway through winter.

I boxed up some more books for the library-- Sherlock Holmes collection this time. But there is a group of "Sherlockians" here in town, so I sent them a list, in case some of them want any of the books (I'll charge them a few bucks & give the $ to Alzheimers). I'll take the books to the meeting on Saturday, and anything left over goes to the used book sale.
