The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67863   Message #2543162
Posted By: GUEST,Person who the moderators do not like
19-Jan-09 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death Penalty?
Subject: RE: BS: DEath Penalty?
Hey, just because this website is run from The States, does not mean we have to sink to their levels.

Death sentence is a sign of either society giving up, or hasn't reached the stage of civilisation yet to be responsible to care for its society.

Being British, I can at least hold my head high in this regard. Ex capital crimes did not shoot up after the abolition and as time goes by, there are more posthumous pardons than anybody could be comfortable with. (Not to mention people free now, and yet would have been hung 50 years ago.

Perhaps less advanced countries like Iran, China, USA and Singapore will develop and raise their general levels of education enough so that such Populist disgraceful state murders will not be needed to keep people happy?

And I thought all mudcatters were peace loving tree huggers. Shows what I know!
