The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115834   Message #2543264
Posted By: GUEST,A Broadstairs Regular
19-Jan-09 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: Broadstairs 2009
Subject: RE: Broadstairs 2009
Whoever the artistic director books is down to her and what makes Broadstairs a pleasant change from nearly all of the other folk festivals is the eclectic nature of some of the acts.

The reason I stopped going to other folk festivals was seeing the same boring line ups at each one. What Kim attempts to do (very well imho) is to have an exciting line up that will appeal to both folkies and the local community who embrace it so generously. The whole town joins in, unlike I noticed at Whitby the other year when a tourist could be forgiven for wondering if anything was on at all.

Ok so you don't like one act so you're not going and another one wasn't booked so you're not going. Plenty of us are and I can't think of anywhere else I'd like to be in August