The World's Collection of Patriotic Songs and Airs of the Different Nations Vocal and Instrumental Music [no editor named] (Boston: Oliver Ditson Company, 1903)
AMERICA America - 10 American Hymn - 9 Angel of Peace - 9 Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean - 12 E Pluribus Unum - 20 Hail, Columbia - 14 National Praise - 15 Our Flag is There - 18 Red, White, and Blue - 12 Star Spangled Banner - 19 Yankee Doodle - 16
ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Argentine Republic National Hymn - 22
AUSTRIA Austrian National Song - 25
BELGIUM National Air of Belgium - 26
BOLIVIA National Air of Bolivia - 28
CHILI National Anthem of Chili - 30
CHINA National Air of China - 34
DENMARK Danish National Hymn - 35
ENGLAND English National Song ("God Save the Queen") - 36 Roast Beef of Old England - 37 Rule, Brittania - 39
FINLAND Finnish National Air - 41
FRANCE Chant of the Girondins - 45 National Hymn of France ("Marseilles Hymn") - 42
GERMANY National Song of Germany ("Where is the German Fatherland?") - 46 Watch on the Rhine - 48
GREECE Greek National Song ("Sons of Greece, Come, Arise!") - 49
GUATEMALA National Hymn of Guatemala - 93
HOLLAND National Song of Holland - 51
IRELAND Harp That Once thro' Tara's Halls - 52 Minstrel Boy - 56 Saint Patrick's Day - 54
ITALY Italian National Hymn - 57
JAPAN Japanese National Hymn - 59 National Air of Japan - 60
MEXICO Mexican National Hymn - 62
NORWAY National Hymn of Norway ("Yes, We Love This Land") - 65 Patriotic Songs of Norway ("Sons of Norway") - 66
PERU National March of Peru - 67
POLAND Polish National Song - 69
PORTUGAL National Air of Portugal - 71
RUSSIA Russian National Anthem - 73 God Ever Glorious (American Version of Russian National Anthem) - 74
SCOTLAND Patriotic Songs of Scotland ("Bruce's Address") - 75 National Air of Scotland ("Campbell's are Comin'") - 77
SPAIN Spanish National Hymn - 78
SWEDEN Swedish National Air - 81 Swedish National Hymn - 82
SWITZERLAND National Song of Switzerland ("Herdsman's Song") - 83
TURKEY Turkish Patriotic Song - 84
UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL Brazilian National Air - 86 National Air of the United States of Brazil - 88
WALES Patriotic Song of Wales ("March of the Men of Harlech") - 91